Member Rating

Quality management has become indispensable in today’s business world. Evaluating the service quality of organizations helps identify strengths and weaknesses. A transparent and sincere analysis builds trust with existing and potential business partners.


How do we guarantee the quality of our community?

The quality standards of the UnisonSteadfast community are assisted by clearly defined organizational structures. In our day-to-day business, we adhere to best practice to be able to comply with our quality pledge. 

Once annually, we conduct a Network Performance Rating to assess the performance of our members during the previous business year.

With the help of this rating, we ensure that:

  • All UnisonSteadfast members meet our quality requirements,
  • Clients obtain the best assistance in risk and insurance matters,
  • We can react to market and performance trends in a swift and flexible way.


Marketing tool for our community

Besides assuring excellence, our Network Performance Rating is an important marketing tool. By evaluating performance and commitment, we can be confident that UnisonSteadfast members are highly competent and reliable. Each year, they receive a certificate with their individual rating result. A top quality score convinces potential business partners of our brand and makes our community stand out from competitors.


Who rates whom?

Not only do we rate our members, all parties involved in a business can rate the other parties for their specific performance and collaboration, broker members and clients. Furthermore, we invite all business partners to submit a review on our services. This allows for a multi-dimensional feedback and encourages UnisonSteadfast members and ourselves to continuously improve our offer – for a strong and supportive community!


Rating advantages and objectives

  • Ensuring and improving high quality performance
  • Objective rating and increase of transparency
  • Feedback from all parties involved in an operation
  • Flexible and swift reaction to market and performance trends
Would you like to become a member of our broker network? Fill out the form and join us now