Ximco Corporation (China)
Ximco was founded in 1996 as the first risk management-oriented insurance consultancy in China, before becoming the full-fledged nationwide insurance broker it is today. Leveraging its risk management focus, Ximco has expertise with clients in a multitude of sectors - from industrial risks to life sciences – as well as specialties in complex risks such as management liability, mergers & acquisitions, and clinical trials. 

AWG Insurance Brokers (Singapore)

With over 30 years’ experience serving the local business community, AWG is well placed to place and manage the different lines of business. The company’s key focus is to ensure a positive customer experience from placement to claims. AWG specializes in the construction and trade credit lines where the company has a strong technical understanding of the requirements and impacts of different policies.

Söderberg & Partners (Sweden)
Söderberg & Partners was founded in 2004 and is one of Sweden's leading financial advisors and brokers of insurance and financial products. The company operates in areas such as occupational pension advice, insurance advice, insurance mediation, wealth management as well as asset management and develops digital tools for, among other things, financial services and payroll & benefits management.

We extend a warm welcome from the UnisonSteadfast community to all of our new members!