
  • 1972-1997
    Original UNISON network under the lead of Johnson & Higgins, USA
  • 7/2005
    Establishment of unisonBrokers AG led by President & CEO, Wolfgang Mercier (original UNISON network member under the lead of Johnson & Higgins, USA)
  • 7/2010
    Establishment of Representative Office in the USA
  • 7/2015
    Foundation of unisonBrokers Corp. in Chicago as the US subsidiary of unisonBrokers AG
  • 1/2017
    Establishment of unisonBrokers Beteiligungs GmbH, established to give broker members the opportunity to acquire shares in unisonBrokers AG
  • 6/2017
    Joint Venture with Steadfast Group, renaming to UnisonSteadfast
  • 10/2019
    Establishment of UnisonSteadfast China Liaison Office
  • 4/2021
    Acquisition of the majority of shares of UnisonSteadfast AG by Steadfast Group
  • 6/2021
    Opening of the new UnisonSteadfast representation for Southern Europe and Latin America in Xàbia, Spain